Dragi prijatelji in kolegi!
Velja, da je dobre stvari lepo deliti… zato bi rada z vami delila moje navdušenje in informacijo o izobraževanju iz eksistencialne analize na Dunaju.
Gre za program, ki ga vodi svetovno priznani prof. dr. Alfried Längle v okviru Gesellschaft für Logotherapie und Existenzanalyse (GLE) Dunaj. Program organizira Mind Body Passport.
Gre za zelo poglobljen, celosten pristop h človeku, ki s svojo antropološko noto presega okvirje behavioristične paradigme. Izobraževanje temelji na eksistencialni tradiciji in razvija ter nadgrajuje ideje V. Frankla. Izobraževanje je zasnovano kot proces, ki poteka v večih modulih. Več o izobraževanju si preberite v priponki ali preverite na spletni strani www.mindbodypassport.com
Zame osebno je bila izkušnja tega izobraževanja zares presežek. Tako v strokovnem, kot v osebnem smislu. Po strokovni plati sem dobila integracijo znanj iz povsem drugačne perspektive, kot sem jo poznala do sedaj. kot psihologinji mi je domač kognitivno-vedenjski način razmišljanja, domače mi je tudi delo s podzavestnimi vsebinami… tukaj pa sem imela občutek, da sem se zares srečala… sama s sabo. S svojim resničnim bistvom. Brez nekih konceptov, v katere bi morala stlačiti svoje doživljanje. Pri delu s prof. Länglejem se mi je zazdelo, da nenadoma zares stojim tam, brez vse navlake… sama s svojim življenjskim bistvom… Zame je bila ta izkušnja izjemno pomembna. Še sedaj ne mine dan, da se ne bi spomnila drobcev, ki sem jih dobila v tej dunajski izkušnji. Bogatijo me v osebnem življenju in pri delu s klienti. To so zame najboljše terapije… ko se zgodi, da se s človekom zares srečava v bistvu njegove eksistence…
Poleg navdihujočega kontakta s prof. Länglejem in njegovimi sodelavci pa so izobraževanja v okviru Mind Body Passport prav posebno doživetje. Gre za zares mednarodni okvir. Pridejo ljudje, ki se ukvarjajo s psihoterapijo iz celega sveta. Ta iskriva mešanica kultur, ki jih povezuje psihološka stroka v okvirju brezčasnega Dunaja, kjer vsak vogal šepeta zgodbe… ima zares neponovljiv čar. Izobraževanje v organizaciji Mind Body Passporta mi je pokazalo, da je mogoče učenje zasnovati tudi povsem drugače. Številni izleti, povezovalni dogodki, seznanjanje s kulturo in to vse v povezavi s psihološkimi vsebinami… Hkrati pa veliko osebnih refleksij in dela na sebi… Zame so to trenutki, ko se zares počutim… kot riba, ki je našla svoj ribnik.
Če so vas predstavljene vsebine nagovorile, raziščite spletno stran Mind Body passporta. Video o navedenem izobraževanju pa si lahko pogledate tudi na moji spletni strani www.tjasakos.net.
Za več informacij o izobraževanju kontaktirajte Leslee Brown na info@mindbodypasssport.com . Je izjemno topla in navdihujoča oseba, tako da.. nič oklevat.. kar vprašat… Če vas zanimajo osebne izkušnje iz prve roke, pa lahko kontaktirate mene (tjasa@tjasakos.net ali 041 421 532). Z veseljem vam bom odgovorila in lahko predebatiramo vprašanja, ki se vam porajajo.
V želji da bi se pozitivne vsebine razširile in obogatile naš svet…
tjaša M. Kos, univ. dipl. psih.
Dear friends and colleagues!
Considering it is good to share good things … I would like to share with you my enthusiasm and information about the Existential Analysis education in Vienna.
This is a program run by the world-renowned professor. dr. Alfried Längle within the Gesellschaft für Logotherapie und Existenzanalyse (GLE) in Vienna. The program is organized Mind Body Passport.
It is a very in-depth, comprehensive approach whith an anthropological note that transcends the limits of behavioral paradigms. Education is based on the existential tradition and develops and builds upon the ideas of V. Frankl. The Education is constructed as a process that takes place in several modules. For more about the education, please see the attached flyer or check the website www.mindbodypassport.com
For me personally, the education was really an ekstraordinary experience both, in a professional and in a personal sense. On the professional side, I got the integration of knowledge from a completely different perspective than I knew before. As a psychologist I am familiar with the cognitive-behavioral way of thinking, and also working with the subconscious content … but here I had the feeling that I really met with my Self in its true essence. When working with prof. Längle I felt that suddenly I was really standing there, alone, without all the clutter, just the vital essence. For me, this experience has been extremely important. Even now not a day passes without remembered fragments that I got from this Viennese experience. They enrich my personal life and at work with clients. These are the best therapies for me.
In addition to an inspiring contact with prof. Längle and his colleagues, learning within the Mind Body Passport is a special experience. It is a truly international framework. People engaged in psychotherapy come from around the world. This scintillating mix of cultures, which connects the psychological profession in the frame of timeless Vienna, where each corner whispers stories … a truly inimitable charm. Education organized by Mind Body Passport showed me that it is possible to learn to design education in a a completely different way. Many excursions, connecting events, pairing with culture and all this in conjunction with psychological content … At the same time a lot of personal reflections and work on yourself … For me, these are moments when I really feel … like a fish, which is found its pond.
If you are interested the presented content, explore the website Mind Body Passport. You can look at a Video of the education on my website www.tjasakos.net.
For more information on training, contact Leslee Brown info@mindbodypasssport.com. She is an extremely warm and inspiring person, so dont hesitate to ask … If you are interested in my personal firsthand experience, you can contact me tjasa@tjasakos.net +386 41 421 532. I will be happy to discuss any questions you may have.
In an effort to spread positive content and enrich our world …
Zanimiva povezava:http://www.mindbodypassport.com/